Rock The Youth


What is Rock The Youth?

We believe that our youth and young adult artist and bands are the future of the music industry.  And many times it’s almost impossible for these talented young artist to have any sort of radio play. We changed that, and created Rock The Youth. It’s to spotlight our young artist and bands and give them a large platform to have their music heard.

I’m a artist or band, how do I submit my music?

If you are an artist that falls in the age range of 13 to 21 we would love to hear your music.  Just email us a short bio and audio track and we will be in touch. Send your submissions here

How do I support the Rock The Youth program?

Just like everything in life it takes funds to make things happen. If you are looking to support our Rock The Youth program your contribution to this program is greatly supported. It’s from listeners like you who help us continue our mission to be a station for everyone.

What are some upcoming plans for Rock The Youth?

We don’t want to stop at just playing these talented musicians on our station, we are looking at hosting a concert event that would showcase these artist in front of a large audience.

