

This Years Goal $45,000

Our 2023 Spring Share-A-Thon is here and with your contribution you are helping us reach our goal of $45,000 to help with:

  • Acquiring several new translators in CA, VA, FL and NC

  • Our Youth Rocks Music Program. Mentoring Christian Youth Artist and Bands, showcasing them on-air and hosting concert events

  • Operational Expenses

What Is Share-A-Thon?

The Star FM Share-a-thons are the primary method of raising the financial support needed to operate the ministry over a six-month period. Though there are several ways that The Star FM receives operating funds throughout the year, by far the largest of those is the Spring and Fall share-a-thon.  Popular music artists and program hosts are interviewed, uplifting music is played, and listeners become faith partners by financially supporting The Star FM with their called-in faith promises or online donations. Of course our station has other events throughout the year that help us with our sustaining our operations such as our Youth Rocks concert series, where we mentor and promote youth music artist and bands, play them on-air, and then host a concert event to showcase these musicians in person. It’s not without YOU our listeners that The Star FM can keep moving forward with our mission.

Our Share-A-Thon 2023 Letter

As we look back on the last several months, it’s easy to get caught up in chaos, confusion, and negativity. The world is just as broken as it has always been, but it feels like somehow the volume has been turned up. But when we lift our eyes above the circumstances to the Author and Creator of the universe, everything changes. When we look to the One who was before all things and holds all things together, we remember that He always has been and always will be faithful, no matter what. The problem is not with God and His faithfulness, but with us and our faith to believe it!

Our goal is to help you lift your eyes to see His faithfulness on a daily basis, to refocus you by bringing you back to the hope of the gospel and how it intersects with your life. Programs like Daily Life and Family Life Today help you live in line with God’s truth and view your circumstances through a biblical lens. Encouraging music on Kevin & Taylor MorningsScott * Sam Afternoons, and Keep The Faith Evenings, and throughout the day helps lift you up and plants God’s truth deeper in your heart and mind through the power of song.

“[Christ] we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.” Colossians 1:28-29, ESV

In addition to encouraging believers in their faith, we also have the tremendous opportunity to reach those who have never heard the good news of Jesus Christ as they scan their radio dial looking for something to listen to. We celebrate this unique opportunity to meet people wherever they are in a personal way through the tool of radio! And with the digital age we are now reaching even more people who listener on our mobile apps or on I-Heart Radio in the car!

“Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.” 2 Corinthians 5:20, ESV

Every day The Star FM encourages Christ-followers and reaches those who don’t yet know Jesus. YOU can be part of this mission by partnering with us during Share-A-Thon. This semi-annual on-air fundraiser provides the funding for the majority of our budget, which includes equipment for radio broadcasting, program expenses, tower expenses, payroll for our incredible staff, electricity and internet for streaming our broadcast, and more. If you want to be support the mission and ministry of The Star FM, call us during our on-air Share-A-Thon April 10-15, or be part of early giving to help us start strong:


During Share-A-Thon, we are filled with gratitude not only for a God who is always faithful, but also for listeners who are always faithful in their support and encouragement. Every gift makes a difference, and collectively each $10, $50, or $5,000 gift works together to get us toward our goal of $30,000. Thank you in advance for your partnership and support!

Thank you for being a part of how The Star FM is making an impact!
